Professional Habits
Respect and Trust
vs Reputation Killers?
Think of people and businesses that you respect - The ones you would refer other people to …
Now, as you imagine each of these, explore the degree to which each of these earns your respect - and, when lacking, how it PINCHES or undermines respect.
Be Punctual and Prepared
Being late and lacking the resources required is disrespectful to your clients. When you are likely to be delayed or discover something important is missing, promptly disclose it and do your best to make it right for your client.
Seek to understand what REALLY matters to you client, before telling them what you think .
Remember: People don't care how much you know until you show them how much you care.
Honour Uniqueness
Your client's perspective is the ONLY one that really matters.
Present alternative points of view to consider and trust your client to choose what's right for him or her.
Avoid the trap of believing you are right and forcing your point of view onto others.