Gifting - Helpful vs Harmful?
-Intention isn't what matters MOST …​​
You tend to judge yourself by your intentions while
your client judges you by how your actions make them feel!
- In relation to gifting, the key question becomes how does receiving your gift make your client or customer feel?
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel"
~ Maya Angelou
Purposeful Gifting ...
-What's the target you are aiming for?
Do you want to ...
Influence people - increase probability of them agreeing to
meet you? -
Attract more clients or customers?
Retain your clients or customers and nurture longer lasting loyalty?
Attract even more referrals?
Gifts might be a powerful way to do so - BUT, unless you know how to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes, you might be wasting your time, effort and money!
99% Business Gifts Don't Have
Desired Impact!
-Only invest money on gifts that have IMPACT ...
John Ruhlin, author of 'Giftology: The Art and Science of Using
Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and
Strengthen Retention', claims 99% of all financial advisor gifts
break the #1 most important rule of gift giving.
Business gifting strategies MUST include 2 ingredients to be effective
Ingredient #1. SURPRISE - Anything predictable, disqualifies
Normal gifting time has very LOW surprise potential
Exception: an astonishing gift, that in and of itself is surprise - Knowing the recipient's favourite sports hero or team, and then arranging an autographed sports memorabilia item or tickets to box seats for the next game, etc, would indeed qualify as a true surprise, even if the timing is not surprising
Ingredient #2. DELIGHT - The recipient must truly LIGHT up with astonishment as the gift is opened. Typical gifts such as flowers, chocolates, wine, etc, is unlikely to trigger a delight response
When a gift lacks ONE of these, it is deemed to NOT be an effective strategy for a business to build relationships. In contrast, when a gift has BOTH of these ingredients it is an extremely successful business relationship strategy.
Mistake #1
- Giving A Gift as a 'TOKEN' of Appreciation
Token - Definition: Things or actions which are small or unimportant, but are meant to show intentions which
may not be sincere!
Consider the word ‘token’ as a swear word
- Would you describe your relationship as a 'token' relationship?
So why would you ever say that about a gift?
Mistake #2
- Giving A Gift When Expected …
When gifting occurs during holiday season, it gets lost in the noise
Everyone gives gifts during the holiday season
This is NOT a way to stand out from the crowd
Avoid giving gifts after American Thanksgiving through to the December holiday season
It might seem weird - investing money in gifts, has greater impact when you do the opposite of what everyone else does - That's how to stand out from the crowd and become even more memorable!
Gifting when not expected is a surprise and a delight!
And, clearly not driven by obligation ...
Mistake #3
- Engraving Your Company Name On The Gift ...
Imagine giving a wedding gift engraved with your brand
In business, it might be considered smart marketing
- But, clearly, it's no longer a true gift
A true gift is focused on honouring the recipient - in contrast, a promotional item is brand-focused.
Attempting to blend both does neither effectively - if you feel compelled to engrave a name, it should be the recipient's name, not your logo or brand
Better yet, an artfully crafted expression on a gift may become a conversation starter for years to come.
Thoughtful and Timely Gifting ...
- Stand out from the crowd: Become EVEN more
In a competitive world, giving thoughtful and timely gifts is an easy way to be heard above the status quo noise. Investing in gift giving is one way you can stand out from the crowd and become even more memorable.
It is a sure fire way to attract more clients or customers, generate even more referrals and nurture longer lasting loyalty.
Just remember to avoid the 3 mistakes that KILL the impact of your gift
Gifting to Influence Key People
Do you know who the decision makers are?
When you do, here are a few game changers ...
Don't do the status quo - Remember to stand out from the crowd!
When everyone else is leaning toward apps or digital, sending an email or a text, ensures you get lost or drowned out by the noise of the crowd.
Now imagine a spectacular package arriving in the mail, with a warm and friendly letter, personalized to the recipient ...
- This ensures you cut through the noise; and, stand out from the crowd!
When you blow somebody’s mind with a personalized 'WOW' gift, they tend to respond to your Snapchat, text message or phone call!
Check out Break-Through Impacts 60 second 'WOW' Gifting Program